Строка 6:
Строка 6:
Striving to make impact that is Significant, Sustained and Positive in the lives of my fellow people. [Стремлюсь оказывать значительное, устойчивое и позитивное влияние на жизнь моих ближних (в том числе студентов)]
Striving to make an impact that is '''Significant''', '''Sustained''' and '''Positive''' in the lives of my fellow people.
[Стремлюсь оказывать значительное, устойчивое и позитивное влияние на жизнь моих ближних.]
Books: What the Best College Teachers Do — Ken Bain {{комментарии}}
[https://white.emptynessof.space Emptyness-of-space / Home page: ネット庵]
Teaching: What the Best College Teachers Do
Philosophy: [https://archive.org/details/intellectuallife0000sert The Intellectual Life: Its Spirit, Conditions, Methods]